Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot: Complete Treatment Guide
What is Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot?
- Angular, water-soaked spots on leaves
- Spots turn tan to brown
- Lesions bounded by leaf veins
- White bacterial ooze in humid conditions
- Holes in leaves where spots fall out
- Extensive defoliation in severe cases
What Causes Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot?
- Bacterial infection
- High humidity
- Overhead watering
- Splashing water
- Poor air circulation
- Infected seeds
- Plant debris
How to Treat Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot
Organic Treatments
- Apply copper-based organic fungicide
- Remove infected leaves
- Improve air circulation
- Clean garden tools
- Practice crop rotation
- Use disease-free seeds
Chemical Treatments
- Apply copper hydroxide
- Use copper oxychloride
- Apply bactericides
- Preventive copper sprays
Cultural Controls
- Water at soil level
- Space plants properly
- Remove plant debris
- Clean tools between plants
- Rotate crops
- Avoid working with wet plants
How to Prevent Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot
- Use disease-free seeds
- Practice crop rotation
- Proper plant spacing
- Avoid overhead irrigation
- Remove plant debris
- Maintain good air flow
- Clean tools regularly
Recommended Fertilizers for Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot
- Copper-based fungicide
- Balanced organic fertilizer
- Compost tea
- Seaweed extract