Solanum melongena
Heat-loving nightshade that produces glossy fruits in various shapes and colors
Growing Conditions
- Full sun (6-8 hours daily)
- Rich, well-draining soil with pH 6.0-7.0
- Warm temperatures (70-85°F)
- Consistent moisture
- Space plants 18-24 inches apart
- Support plants with stakes or cages
Common Problems
Flea Beetles
Small jumping beetles feeding on leaves
Row covers, organic insecticides
Visual Description:
Tiny holes appear in leaves, giving them a shot-hole appearance. The damage is caused by small (1/16 inch), dark beetles that jump when disturbed. Young plants are particularly vulnerable and can be killed by heavy feeding. Leaves may appear lacy or skeletal from extensive feeding. Severe infestations can stunt plant growth and reduce yield.
Blossom End Rot
Calcium deficiency or water stress
Consistent watering, calcium supplements
Organic Treatments:
Crushed eggshells or calcium spray
Synthetic Treatments:
Calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0 + 19% Ca)
Visual Description:
Dark, sunken areas develop at the blossom end of the fruit. The affected tissue starts as a water-soaked spot that becomes brown to black and leathery.
Verticillium Wilt
Soil-borne fungal disease
Crop rotation, resistant varieties
Organic Treatments:
None - fungal issue
Synthetic Treatments:
None - fungal issue
Visual Description:
Symptoms typically begin with yellowing of older leaves in a V-shaped pattern from the leaf margins. Affected leaves wilt, dry up, and drop off. The disease progresses upward through the plant. When stems are cut lengthwise, brown discoloration is visible in the vascular tissue. Plants may be stunted, and fruits are small or fail to develop.
Spider Mites
Tiny arachnids feeding on leaves
Increase humidity, use miticides
Organic Treatments:
Synthetic Treatments:
Visual Description:
Leaves develop tiny yellow or white speckles, giving them a stippled appearance. Fine webbing may be visible on leaf undersides or between leaves and stems. Affected leaves may turn yellow or bronze and fall off. The mites themselves are very small and may only be visible with a magnifying glass. Severe infestations can defoliate plants.
Fruit Scarring
Insect damage or mechanical injury
Control insects, handle plants carefully
Organic Treatments:
None - physical damage
Synthetic Treatments:
None - physical damage
Visual Description:
Fruits develop raised, corky scars or irregular brown patches on the surface. The damage can be from various causes including insect feeding, wind damage, or contact with supports or other fruits. While scarred fruits are still edible, they are less marketable. Severe scarring can affect fruit development and storage quality.
Phomopsis Blight
Fungal infection
Remove infected parts, improve air flow
Organic Treatments:
Synthetic Treatments:
Chlorothalonil fungicide
Visual Description:
Circular to oval spots appear on leaves and stems, often with light centers and dark borders. On fruits, sunken circular lesions develop, which may have concentric rings. The spots can enlarge and merge, causing fruit rot. Stems may develop dark cankers that can girdle and kill affected branches.
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