Pepper Blossom End Rot: Complete Treatment Guide
What is Pepper Blossom End Rot?
- Dark, water-soaked spots at the bottom of peppers
- Spots enlarge and become tan to brown and leathery
- Affected areas may become flat or sunken
- Secondary fungal infections may develop
- More common on first fruits of the season
- Can affect peppers at any stage of development
What Causes Pepper Blossom End Rot?
- Calcium deficiency in developing fruits
- Irregular watering
- Root damage
- High soil salinity
- Excessive nitrogen fertilization
- High temperatures
- Soil pH imbalance affecting calcium uptake
How to Treat Pepper Blossom End Rot
Organic Treatments
- Apply crushed eggshells
- Use calcium-rich organic amendments
- Add bone meal
- Apply gypsum
- Use compost tea
- Add dolomitic lime if soil pH is low
Chemical Treatments
- Apply calcium nitrate
- Use foliar calcium spray
- Apply balanced NPK fertilizer with calcium
- Use calcium chloride solution
Cultural Controls
- Maintain consistent soil moisture
- Mulch to retain moisture
- Avoid damaging roots when cultivating
- Reduce nitrogen fertilization
- Improve soil drainage if needed
- Monitor soil pH (ideal 6.0-6.8)
How to Prevent Pepper Blossom End Rot
- Test soil pH and calcium levels before planting
- Maintain soil pH between 6.0 and 6.8
- Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses for consistent watering
- Add calcium-rich amendments at planting time
- Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization
- Practice crop rotation with non-solanaceous crops
- Choose resistant varieties when possible
Related Problems
Tomato - Blossom End Rot
Common calcium deficiency issue in all solanaceous crops
Eggplant - Blossom End Rot
Common calcium deficiency issue in all solanaceous crops
Recommended Fertilizers for Pepper Blossom End Rot
- Calcium nitrate
- Bone meal
- Gypsum
- Balanced NPK
- Dolomitic lime